Saturday, February 13, 2010

A Little Bit Then A Whole LOT Now!

I just wanted to share with you a few more pictures of the snow.
It will be (hopefully) disappearing soon.
The first picture is from the beginning of January and the rest are from this last week.

My backyard
January 2010

During the snowstorm

Feb. 2010

Feb. 2010
Can you see the steps?
Far right side of the picture.

After the storm
Feb. 2010
The steps are gone.

After the storm
Feb. 2010

Feb. 2010

Feb. 2010

The roof.


  1. What a huge amount of snow... and how pretty it looks!! Thanks for sharing all of your wonderful photographs!
    Jane xxx

  2. Sadly, that looks all too familiar! Boo, snow, go away, I'm ready for my crocuses! (And really, really ready to build my brand new potager!)

  3. Oh yaeh! I'm totally ready for crocuses!
