Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Goodnight Ladies

I took my camera with me this evening when I visited the Ladies.
First, lets meet their neighbors.

The rooster.
He is a real meany!
He looks gorgeous, but
I'm scared of him, because he tries to flog me all the time.
I nice little red hen.

I have trouble telling them apart, but they have the softest feathers.

Some of the flock.

Checking out the neighbors.

Zela and Butter munching on the snack I brought to them.

Right behind the waterer you can see Little Ray, the cat.


Lavender getting ready for bed.

Butter and Zela getting comfy in their little bed.
They also use this crate to lay their eggs in.

Butter and Zela

Pixie hiding underneath my leg.
She pushed underneath me like a baby chick.
Too cute.



  1. Awwww Looks like everyone is doing great!

  2. I am so happy they are doing well!
    Guess what? Congratulations! Your friend is the winner of the nest box!
    Please e-mail me at gacountrygirl at gmail dot com.
