Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Can Mania!

This last week, I have been canning like crazy in preparation for the county fair (and just 'cause I like to can - the fair's a good excuse).
I had one failure: my black raspberry/guava jelly didn't set up, so now it's raspberry/guava juice. It still tastes good!
So far this last week I have made: the jelly/juice mistake, gooseberry jam, raspberry jam, raspberry/current jam, squash pickles, banana butter and peach salsa.
(Banana butter recipe below)

My canning from last night: 6 pints/4 half pints banana butter
11 pints/8 half pints peach salsa
The bananas were 99 cents for a huge bag. I bought both bags AND they were organic! Score!
Walmart had peaches on sale for 78 cents a pound, so that will be my next adventure.
Because I have a LOT of peaches in my kitchen.
I couldn't resist! Yummy peaches.......

Banana Butter

For every pound of bananas add 1 cup of sugar and 1/4 cup bottled lemon juice.

Put bananas and sugar in a large pot; mash with a potato masher.

Cook over low heat until paste rounds up on a spoon.

Optional: add cinnamon and cloves to taste.

Ladle into hot jars leaving 1/4 inch head space.

Remove air bubbles.

Adjust 2 piece caps.

Process in a boiling water canner for 10 mins.

This is soooooo good! It is like banana bread in a jar.

Watch out - Very addictive - I warned you!


  1. Ok you are killing me, and you KNOW I am going canning crazy over here as well. I have to do this banana butter now because my daughter obsesses over her bananas! I should go post the kiwi strawberry jam I just made. ;)

  2. Ok I used your recipe to whip up some "Banana Nut Bread Butter" This afternoon... its FABULOUS!!!!!!
