Thursday, March 19, 2009

Strange Egg

I love weirdo eggs.
This strange egg was on
the floor of the coop this morning.

I've been getting 1 big egg a day
from the 3 big girls,
so either they are taking turns each day
or 2 girls haven't been laying.

And this strange egg is a practice egg
for one of the ladies getting ready to
start laying again.

It has a nice thick shell,
which suprised me when I picked it up,
because it looks like a soft shelled egg.

1 comment:

  1. I thought it was a soft shell at first myself. I had gotten one of those not to long ago and caught it intact, which I blogged about a few posts back on my blog. I have one girl that is laying wrinkled eggs. They are so funky looking. I never had one as crazy as yours tho :)
