Friday, October 22, 2010

Tibby's Graduation

Tibby graduated from beginning obedience training last night.
I was so excited and nervous. She did really well. I was really proud of her!
We didn't win any ribbons, but I thought she was the best puppy in her class.

Tibby saying "Hi!" to Pearl's mom.

And then "Hi!" to Pearl. She was pretty distracting to the other dogs!
Tibby loves everyone!

Ready? Heel-sit position.

Go! Heel, heel, heel.

She loves to work. Even though she doesn't always listen to me.

Distance sit-stay.


Down-stay. This was the hardest one for Tibby. She loves to pop up from her down to a sit, because she's figured out that I have to give her another treat to get her to lie back down.
We are going to have to work on that one.
She is too smart!

My Mom and Tibby!

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