Friday, October 9, 2009

The Garden Died Today

The 2009 gardening season is officially over for me.
We had a hard, solid frost last night.
Everything is D-E-A-D.
But, it's Ok.
Don't cry for me gardening people!
I'm ready for a rest.
And there is always the gardener's mantra: "Next year, it WILL be BETTER!"
I still have to clean everything up, dig my sweet potatoes, plant garlic, ect., ect.
You get the idea.
It never ends!


  1. When you wrote, "Don't cry for me gardening people! I'm ready for a rest". I sang it in my head to the song "Don't Cry For Me Argentina..." Try it--it works. hehe [did you plan that?? good one]

    I love my food dehydrator. Thanks for the tip about the onions. I'll try it. That sounded great how you put some in the pan right before you scramble eggs. yummmmmers

    The end of the gardening season is sad. Yet the earth needs to rest and so do we~

  2. Yeah - ha ha that was the idea...
    Don't cry for me gardening people,
    there will be next year,
    it will be better,
    la la la lala.....
